How to Get Insurance Coverage for Your Mobility Wheelchair

Author: Hunter Appliances and Mobility  Date Posted:23 July 2024 

If you are a wheelchair user, you must be aware of the fact that an electric wheelchair costs as much as a car nowadays. That’s why its insurance is necessary. In case your wheelchair gets stolen or damaged, your finances might get messed up, and you may

Insurance Coverage for Your Mobility Wheelchair

If you are a wheelchair user, you must be aware of the fact that an electric wheelchair costs as much as a car nowadays. That’s why its insurance is necessary. In case your wheelchair gets stolen or damaged, your finances might get messed up, and you may not be able to afford another one for continued mobility.

With increasingly high cases of wheelchair thefts, getting your mobility equipment insured has become essential. However, most people do not know how to get a wheelchair insured. Seems like you are one among them, and if we are right, here is all the information you want regarding insurance coverage for mobility wheelchairs.

All About Wheelchair Insurance

Like car insurance, wheelchair insurance protects you against financial loss in the event of a certain loss, damage, or injury. You should read the terms and conditions carefully before opting for any insurance to determine what is offered to you. Doing so ensures you get compensation, or the compensation you deserve if your mobility equipment is stolen, or damaged.

Though the compensation amount and coverage vary from policy to policy, here is some typical coverage:

  • Replacement costs for lost or stolen wheelchairs (minus deductible).
  • Repairs or partial replacements for damaged wheelchairs.
  • Power wheelchair battery replacement after a certain lifespan (on some plans).Necessary modifications to your wheelchair (with pre-approval on some plans).
  • Coverage for wheelchair accessories and airline damage might be offered by some plans, but it's not universally included.

Note: The above list is only an example of what wheelchair insurance can cover. To know the coverage of your insurance plan, read the terms and conditions or check your policy details.

Steps to Get Wheelchair Insurance Coverage

After reading what a typical wheelchair insurance covers, you must be convinced to get one. However, getting wheelchair insurance is not that easy, here are the steps that one needs to take:

Doctor’s Assessment:

Consult a doctor to discuss your mobility needs. They will assess your situation and determine if you necessarily need a wheelchair.

Find a Wheelchair Supplier:

Once you get a doctor’s prescription, you must find a wheelchair supplier approved by your insurance provider to ensure smooth processing.

Buy Approved Wheelchair:

Connect with the supplier to choose and buy a wheelchair that perfectly suits your needs.

Pay the Price:

Read all the terms and conditions mentioned in the insurance policy. Sign the dotted line only when you are satisfied with their office and make the payment.

How to Choose Mobility Wheelchair Insurance?

With an ever-increasing number of insurance providers, choosing the right mobility wheelchair insurance could be overwhelming. If it’s your first time opting for wheelchair insurance, follow these steps to find the right insurance:

  • Use your mobile device to find all the insurance policies applicable to your circumstances. Compare the benefits offered by each insurance policy to determine the best options.
  • Compare the prices of different insurance policies and select one that offers more benefits at a reasonable cost. However, keep in mind that the cheapest is not  always the best. Check the insurance company’s reputation before making a decision.
  • Choose a wheelchair insurance provider located in your own country. While it might be tempting to get insurance in the country you're traveling to, it can add complexity. Understanding policy details is much easier when your insurance provider speaks your language.

In Conclusion

Wheelchair insurance has become important due to the high cost of wheelchairs and the risk of theft or damage. With insurance coverage, you can get financial protection and cover for replacement or repair costs for lost, stolen, or damaged wheelchairs, as well as for battery replacement, modifications, and accessories. However, to ensure you get the right compensation, compare the benefits, costs, and company reputation when selecting a wheelchair insurance provider. Also, consider choosing a provider located in your own country for simplicity.

Also, read the benefits of manual and power mobility wheelchairs.