Expert Tips on Extending the Lifespan of Your Laundry Appliances

Author: Hunter Appliances and Mobility  Date Posted:18 June 2024 

Laundry appliances are vital in our lives as they help keep our clothes neat and clean. But just like other appliances, they require maintenance, and to help them function effectively, you have to follow some expert tips. These tips will ensure the...

Tips to Extending the Lifespan of Laundry Appliances

Laundry appliances are vital in our lives as they help keep our clothes neat and clean. But just like other appliances, they require maintenance, and to help them function effectively, you have to follow some expert tips. These tips will ensure the longevity of your laundry appliances, including your washing machines, dryers and combination units. So, begin reading these expert tips and keep your laundry appliances in top-notch condition.

1. Keep it Clean:

Cleaning can increase the life span of your washing machine to about 10-13 years. Yes, this is true. So, cleaning is something you must do regularly, and the best thing is that you can do it on your own. A damp cloth and a tablespoon of detergent can help clean the dirt, grime and detergent buildup on the drum. Moreover, cleaning the detergent dispenser and filter will help prevent clogs and improve the water flow in the washing machine. You must also keep checking the hoses or connections of the machine to ensure it lasts several years. Note that cleaning the washing machine at least once a month will prevent bacteria growth and help keep unpleasant odours away.

2. Take Care of the Load Size:

Whether you purchased your laundry appliances from Hunter Valley or somewhere else, you should pay attention to the load size. Overloading hinders the machine's performance and can even damage it by adding additional stress. So, refrain from adding too many items, but what is too much? Here is the answer to this question:

  • A single bedsheet and a few small items can fill half the drum, which is considered a medium load.
  • Multiple clothes and bedsheets can be comfortably cleaned in this load. This approximately fills 3/4 portion of the drum and is considered as a large load.
  • When someone puts multiple bedding sheets and some clothes in the drum, the load becomes extra large, which is not good for the washing machine.

A well-balanced load helps reduce the stress on the machine, which eventually aids in increasing its life. Conversely, an imbalanced load will lead to shaking, vibration and walking of the machine. So, ensure you keep the load well distributed on your most beloved laundry  appliances.

3. Repair or Replace the Failing Parts:

If you want to keep your washing machine in good condition, you must detect and rectify the issues in the machine before it causes any further damage. Some signs that indicate that some components need replacements are as follows.

  • Weird noise- Noise indicates that there is some problem in the machine. So, if you hear noises such as banging or grinding noises, there is a possibility that the bearing is damaged or the belt is worn out.
  • Too much vibration- Vibration typically signals an unbalanced load, but too much of it is a sign of worn-out suspension.     
  • Water leakage- If water leakage has become a common sight when you wash clothes, the culprit could be the worn-out water hose or deteriorating gasket.
  • Control panel not functioning- Problems with operating the control panel indicate there is an issue with the machine electronics.

Though you can deal with some issues on your own, there are some issues that you can’t tackle on your own. So, don’t hesitate to take the help of a professional for problems that are not getting resolved or which involve replacing or repairing some components, etc.

Final Words

In today's fast-moving world, where time is more valuable than money, it is critical to maintain laundry appliances that make our lives easier by saving effort and enhancing efficiency. These above tips will help extend the life of your laundry appliances and help you get the most out of them. However, if you want to buy new laundry appliances such as a dryer, washing machine or any other item, get in touch with Hunter Appliances and Mobility

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