How to Easily Support People with Disabilities: 4 Tips

Author: Hunter Appliances and Mobility  Date Posted:23 August 2024 

We all require a support system to tackle our life's low points. And the need for a strong support system is even more crucial for people with disabilities as they face additional challenges in doing their daily activities, accessing opportunities and mor

We all require a support system to tackle our life's low points. And the need for a strong support system is even more crucial for people with disabilities as they face additional challenges in doing their daily activities, accessing opportunities and more. We can support them by understanding their problems, giving them a helping hand and surrounding them with individuals or a community that is empathetic and compassionate towards their challenges. However, these are not the only things you can do to make their life easy. Here are four tips that will help you support them and make a difference in their physical and mental well-being. 

1. Learn about their disability

Disability impacts a person in a lot of ways, and someone who is meeting an individual with disabilities for the first time might not know what he/she can do to help them. So, whenever you see a person with some disability, take some time to understand about it. The good thing is that disabled persons willingly tell others how they can best support them. However, if someone doesn’t like discussing their daily difficulties, research their disability, as this will help you find those types of equipment or mobility aids that can make their life a bit easier.

2. Give them respect

Disabled people are just like you- they are not lower than you, so treat them with respect. Moreover, don’t assume things such as what they want or feel. Sometimes it seems they are struggling with things, and many of us want to intervene, but it's best to ask whether they need help, as many prefer to do their things on their own. Also, don’t look into their disability as a tragedy, and this is vital because healing and accepting oneself, especially with a disability, takes a significant amount of time.  So, don’t say things such as I am sorry that the accident happened to you, etc.

3. Help them simplify their tasks

The elderly and people with disabilities often struggle to do simple things, such as they can’t stand for long hours. At such times, mobility daily aids in Hunter Valley can enable them to do their day-to-day tasks, such as cooking and cleaning dishes with ease. For example, a kitchen tool will help reduce the pressure on their legs while preparing food for themselves or their family. So, you can recommend them to invest in such aids.

4. Take them out

People with disabilities hesitate to go outside as they have to face several challenges in public spaces, from getting into buses to using ramps and elevators and everything in between. This is, however, not good for them as it can lead to social isolation, which is not good for their mental well-being. So, if you find that your family member, neighbour or friend has confined themselves to their home because of disability, take some action. Take them to the nearest park or a local cafe, or assist them in joining a supporting community. All this will help them overcome their fears and enhance their overall well-being. 

The conclusion

People with disabilities need love, compassion and support, and everyone can offer them these. We hope the above tips will help you support them, but remember that these are not the only things you can do- there are many more, from listening to them, encouraging them to make decisions, etc. Also, keep exploring mobile equipment in Hunter Valley to find solutions that can improve their quality of life. 

If you want mobility aids for your senior family members or your loved one who is disabled, check out Hunter Appliances and Mobility products.

Read also top safety tips for a hassle-free experience on mobility scooter